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Downtown in the News

Downtown Businesses Ready for Holidays
Posted on: November 23rd, 2013

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Historic Tax Credits Spur Interest in Downtown
Posted on: September 20th, 2013

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Return to DeTonti Square
Posted on: August 6th, 2013

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New Shopping Center Planned for Downtown
Posted on: July 23rd, 2013

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Kim Day at Mostly Muffins Featured on Local 15
Posted on: July 13th, 2013

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City of Mobile's List of Blight Violations and Remedies for Downtown Blight Initiative
Posted on: April 22nd, 2013

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Downtown Mobile Alliance's Eco-Team already planning for BayFest
Posted on: March 18th, 2013

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Urban Emporium Graduates New Retailers
Posted on: March 13th, 2013

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Historic Tax Credits Could Spur Downtown Development
Posted on: December 31st, 2012

State historic tax credit legislation is working its way quickly through the Alabama House. If approved, it could spur the renovation of many...

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Urban Emporium Bakery in the News
Posted on: December 31st, 2012

Manja Leyk is about to mark a milestone with her business, Manna Bakery, a one-woman tour de force with a fast-growing fan base. Read more of...

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